The Love Dare Bible Study (Member Book)

Love and Marriage  [ Browse Items ]
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The Love Dare Bible Study Member Book creates a marriage-centered Bible study experience for individuals and couples. Eight small-group sessions are based around one or more movie clips from the motion picture FIREPROOF and connect couples to The Love Dare both during the session and throughout the week. It utilizes activities that create community, provide opportunities to dialog about real life in real marriage, explore and apply God's Word, and invite participants into a risky but redemptive journey.Each session drives participants toward daily readings and applications in The Love Dare.Session 1: Leading Your Heart - Learn difference between leading and following your heart Session 2: The Power of Influence - Identify who/what influences you and choose godly influences instead Session 3: Honoring and Cherishing Your Spouse - Communicate, serve, act, and live in a manner that honors spouse Session 4: Living with Understanding - Respect and honor are foundational to living with understanding. It means choosing: I want to understand what my spouse says, means, and feels. Session 5: Unconditional Love - Practically demonstrate unconditional love to spouse, growing out of an abiding relationship with God Session 6: Walking in Forgiveness - Learn about and experience firsthand the freedom and liberation in marriage that comes from living a lifestyle of forgiveness Session 7: Building Marriage on Prayer and God's Word - Begin to place every area of life and marriage under the authority of God's Word and prayer Session 8: Establishing a Covenant Marriage - Marriage is holy matrimony in which God is glorified. When vows are vertical, marriage honors Him and is a testimony to others.Features: Leader helps includedBenefits: Participants will walk away from The Love Dare Bible Study committed to building a covenant marriage. Ideal for Home Small GroupsDiscipleship Groups (on-campus Sunday Night/Wednesday Night)Sunday SchoolChurchwide Campaigns (Multiple Formats)Guiding Principles: Participants will have experienced the movie either as a small group, in theatres, or as part of a churchwide showing. Facilitator versus leader led Experiential: Movie clips, discussion, case studies, interactive/discovery-oriented Bible study Sessions refer to The Love Dare throughout. While movie focuses on husband love-dare activities, this resource will include activities for both husbands and wives. Recognize there will be a range of participants . . . couples attending a small group together or a spouse without their mate and marriage in crisis. Vary small-group interaction time between individual, couples, and small-group experiences - from Amzon 
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